Pasquini, H. (2022) Hannah’s Happenings: Relationship Marketing Agency @HHRelations Twitter/LinkedIn Header

During my senior year of college, my professor instructed the class to create fictional communications pages on LinkedIn and Twitter to curate content for two weeks. My classmates developed two social media platforms to create a fake company from the ground up, emitting professionalism and adhering to the 5:3:2 Rule of Social Media. 

My fictional brand, Hannah’s Happenings: Relationship Marketing Agency, centered around the ins and outs of brand loyalty and relationships, finding what is “happening” with relationships and social media. Discovering what works and does not work for the target audience is a principle HHRelations implements while educating businesses to utilize the mutual benefit of relationship marketing. Providing tips, resources, and interactive educational posts were a few main goals I wanted to achieve with the two social media platforms. 

As I continued to post on Twitter and LinkedIn over the weeks, I found that Twitter had more interactions than LinkedIn. I utilized hashtags on almost every post and heard back from experienced relationship marketers and classmates who gave insight into the post’s topic. As for the content of the posts, I used Canva for my graphics and logo design. It allowed me to create freely and customize fonts and colors that could fit my brand’s niche. 

Lastly, the one thing I discovered challenging was posting at a set time. I found a pattern that worked well for the agency over the past few days, posting at 9 A.M. and 3 P.M, with others throughout occasionally. However, I would have preferred to implement this tactic for scheduling sooner as that would have elevated the professional scale of my brand content. Creating cohesive and communicative social media platforms allowed me to learn and share. Social media provides opportunities to curate flawless content for an audience while maintaining a balanced combination of professionalism and personal opinions.

The assignment taught me a general sense of how to develop a social media platform. As I want to be a social media manager/marketer in the future, having the opportunity to curate and build content was humbling and motivating. I hope to one day look back at these two pages and discover immense growth in my style, approach, and ideas. Until that day, if you want to learn more about this project, view more graphics, and read my posts, see the Twitter link below. 

@HHRelations Twitter:

Hannah’s Happenings: Relationship Marketing Agency Graphics:

TWITTER: @HHRelations (link: )

LINKEDIN: @hhrelations (link: )